Friday, June 19, 2009

If you know let me know!

I just did a quick search on Google, and apparently the Meccans had an "expert tracker" help them find the cave in which the Prophet Muhammad had been hiding. I haven't seen anything else, but I can see how some people would read expert tracker as diviner/Babalawo... If you know anything more about this story please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dej-man,
    I'm so proud of you aburo, this has the makings of an amazing thesis, not to mention a book! I wish I could be there with you! Do you want to do this again with me for my dissertation research?

    As for the story, every Arabic source I of which I am aware refers to the trackers the Meccans used as Bedouins from the outlying areas. I haven't heard any mention of Setilu/Setiyu-except in htat Moraes book I showed you. When you get back to Harvard, we can follow that up.

    keep up the great work!
    much love from Jordan,
